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Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra
This is a complete site redesign for our client, Ray McDaniels of the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra. We worked with Ray during the practicum module at CDIA. We converted the site into a fully-content management system using Wordpress. We also redesigned the look and feel and made it accessible by mobile devices.
Applications: HTML, CSS, Jquery, PHP, Wordpress
Website: www.wphil.org
Howie Tarnower
This is a concept website design for musician, Howie Tarnower. It was meant to be a simple site whereby users could see Howie's lesson schedule and performance list. The site was developed using PHP templating. The site also focuses on innovative styles for navigation.
Applications: HTML, CSS, Jquery, PHP, mySQL
Website: www.betsymcnair.com/howietarnower
Shopping List
This is an interactive shopping list, featuring log-in and registration capabilities. Users can add, delete and edit their entries and see a running total. They can change their user account information and see other people's list with whom they have agreed to share information.
Applications: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL
Website: www.betsymcnair.com/shoppinglist
To Do List
This is a concept design for an interactive to do list. Users first log in whereby they can see their to do list. They can add, delete and edit their entries. They can also see their list color-coded by category.
Applications: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, AJAX
Website: www.betsymcnair.com/todolist
Betsy's Model Horses
This is a concept design for an interactive e-commerce site. Users are able to sort through products, add to a shopping cart, and go to a check-out page. Here, users can update quantities, remove items, see the total and add shipping to their order. Users can also go to a store page to see where models are sold locally via a web-service application and search the site for existing models.
Applications: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, AJAX
Website: www.betsymcnair.com/modelhorses
Cushman Bakeries
Cushman Bakeries originated in New York City and later moved to Portland, Maine and opened business in 1915. The company delivered fresh baked goods directly to the home by horse-drawn carriages. This webs site is a concept design whereby people could place their order on-line and receive their bagels according to their order schedule.
Applications: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Website: Not Available